I have never practiced pregnancy yoga before, does this matter?

Our LushTums pregnancy yoga classes are designed for every pregnant woman, no matter your experience of yoga. The class will focus on breath-work and gentle movements and we provide modifications to suit different levels. You are always invited to go at your own pace and we offer regular breaks. Of course, you can always take a pause whenever you wish and come back to the movement or practice when you feel comfortable - this is your time and your practice.

Can I eat before coming to your pregnancy yoga class?

A light snack might be a good idea before class to keep up your energy levels if needed. However, it is recommended to save your larger evening meal for after class. Our evening classes never finish later than 7:30pm making sure you always have time afterwards for a good, nourishing meal!

What will I get from coming to your pregnancy yoga classes?

Our classes provide a range of benefits which you can read about here. We offer wonderful yoga classes that not only provide nourishing movements, breath-work, and positions to aid with pregnancy and birth, but also helpful tips and pieces of knowledge along the way. You will leave feeling relaxed, more prepared for birth, and connected to others, your baby, and yourself.

What should I bring to your class or mini-retreat?

We do have some yoga mats on hand as well as cushions and blankets. If you do have your own mat and props then you are welcome to bring these along as it can be more comforting to practice with your own equipment. Feel free to bring any additional props such as a birthing ball, bolster, and yoga blocks. We also advise to bring along a bottle of water.

Iā€™m pregnant, when can I start practicing pregnancy yoga and for how long into my pregnancy should I practice.

We recommend waiting until you are in your second trimester to join our pregnancy yoga classes and suggest joining from around 15 weeks particularly if you have never practiced yoga before. Of course, as with any antenatal fitness class or pregnancy activity, it is always important to consult with your GP or midwife before taking part. You can begin practicing pregnancy yoga at any point after you have entered your second trimester (it is never too late to get started!). It is recommended to continue practicing as far into your pregnancy as possible as it is safe to practice up until birth. The more you join us, the more benefits you will feel including feeling more prepared for birth.

I have pelvic girdle pain (PGP), can I still practice pregnancy yoga.

It is a good idea to check with your midwife, doctor, or health practitioner before engaging with physical activity whilst pregnancy and it is especially important to discuss your symptoms of PGP. However, yes, generally you can still practice pregnancy yoga with PGP and might even find the classes help with your symptoms. Let your instructor know and we can provide modifications for you during the practice to make sure you are properly supported.

Is pregnancy yoga safe?

Naturally, we can become concerned over which activities we can and cannot practice while we are pregnant. Our pregnancy yoga classes are safe to practice. We are registered with the leading accreditation body for antenatal educators and midwifery in the UK. Of course, it is always advised to check with your midwife or healthcare provider before engaging in any physical activity during pregnancy.